Friday, November 30, 2012

What if........

This is my first E.L.A. blog post and we are supposed to pick a topic to free write about. My free-write prompt is......

~If there were no rules, what do you think would happen?

"The suspect is on the run, and the Police are working very hard to find the suspect in his tracks." This is usually what is said when you turn on the news channel in the morning or at night. So many people in this world are committing crimes, and if there were no rules I have no idea where are society of people would go. If there were no rules I think people would be stealing left and right from department stores. Just the thought of having no rules for people around the world to follow is gruesome. I feel like the society of people would be going down because of not only the bad stuff happening, but people feeling that they can do whatever they want. Not only would there be physical problems (like stealing) with this but mental. People would just think that they can do whatever they want, but that is not how it is supposed to work. Chaos would be happening throughout the world. There would be no boundaries and no difference between right or wrong. Hopefully this nightmare will never happen in our lifetime. 

I hope you enjoyed my first official blog post!! Please leave a nice comment. :)


  1. wow! That was really good! I really hope that this world will always have rules too! I can just see the mayhem that would come from a world without rules.

  2. Ava, that was a really good prompt response! You seemed to have put a lot of thought into your response. I agree, it is scary to think about what it would be like with no rules. Just like you said, we have so many crimes and problems today WITH rules. Without them, the world would be a free-for-all!!! One of my pet peeves is when a person fails to follow the rules, so it's driving me nuts just thinking about what our world would become! Let's hope it doesn't happen!! Once again, great job!

  3. Catie,
    Thank you so much! I also hope there will always be rules in this world so crimes won't keep happening!

    Ava :)

  4. Wow Ava that was really good! And you're right, it would be complete chaos without any rules


  5. Your post is great. I agree, there would be mass chaos and it would be a nightmare. I agree with you; it would be horrible to live in a world with no rules.

  6. I agree with you, I hope this never happens. Living in a world without rules would be a nightmare! Lots of mayhem and havoc everywhere would be terrible! Everyone would be paranoid about what might happen within the next few seconds every time they are outside and inside too. I hope the world will always have rules.

    Good Job!

  7. Great post I think the same way. No rules would be awful and there would be a lot of chaos. That would be a bad world.

  8. Ava, I'm with the rest of the crew here! It was a great first blog post. Make sure you're checking for spelling as there were a few erros in here. Otherwise, great job! I love how you go into detail about what would happen in a world without rules. You're 100% right, this is a scary world now and we do HAVE rules, I can't imagine what it would be like without them! I'm a very rule-oriented person, I like knowing what I can and cannot do and why, so it boggles my mind when I hear people say things like, "If so-and-so wasn't forbidden, it wouldn't be a problem." My response is always, "It's already a problem, so allowing it to be permitted just makes it okay to make bad choices." People need to have consequences for the choices they make in life, just because you don't want a consequence, doesn't mean you don't deserve one!

    Great effort!

    PS: I would like to bring attention to both Catie and Jan's responses because they're fabulous! Good work!
